Trash Nest

Trash Nest

  • Early Learning
  • Science
  • ...

Lesson Summary

This activity is designed to encourage children to consider how they can reduce waste and find creative ways to reuse and repurpose materials. They will also learn how much waste we create collectively and what can be done to reduce waste when we work together. Younger children will collect waste over a week then sort and measure it. Older children will collect waste and create a display that tells the story of waste in their local community or the service and come up with a plan to reduce it.

Activity Intention:

  • This activity is designed to help connect children to the wonders of the natural world through sensory and play-based learning.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan

Lesson details

Curriculum Mapping

EYLF Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter,dependence, resilience and sense of agency
Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
2.3 Children become aware of fairness
Learning Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity
Learning Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
5.5 Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking

Additional Info

This is an original lesson. Facts and figures in these lessons may have changed since this lesson was published. We always endeavour to update our resources in a timely manner, but if you see an error or issue in our resources please get in touch with us.

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