The Floor is Lava!

The Floor is Lava!

Activity 3 of 4 in this unit

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • ...

Activity summary

Oh no, the floor is lava! In this activity children will work together using their different talents and skill sets to reach the treasure on the other side of the lava floor. This is a ‘Take Action’ activity following on from reading Charlie’s Tales: The Sprites and the Heart Flower by The Pretty Foundation.

Activity Type

  • Imagination

Target Age

  • 3 - 5 years old

Activity guides and printables

Activity Instructions

Activity details


  • social-emotional learning
  • problem-solving

Curriculum Mapping

EYLF Learning Outcomes

Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world - Children develop a sense of connectedness to groups and communities and an understanding of their reciprocal rights and responsibilities as active and informed citizens.

Resources Required

  • Device to play music
  • Mats
  • Scooter boards
  • Skipping ropes
  • Speaker
  • Stepping stones
  • Tyres
  • Treasure chest (or something special to retrieve)
  • Wooden beams

About the Book

Pretty Foundation (2018). Charlie’s Tales: The Sprites and the Heart Flower. Pretty Foundation.

ISBN: 9780646818856

Charlie’s Tales, The Sprites and the Heart Flower, developed in collaboration with Athletics Australia, Basketball Australia and Gymnastics Australia, celebrates body diversity and aims to teach young people to appreciate their bodies and all the wonderful things which make them unique. This book also encourages kids to have self-belief and the confidence to try different sports to find out what they enjoy. The Charlie’s Tales series aims to build body confidence in early developmental years to prevent the development of negative body image.

Don’t have this book at your centre? You can purchase it here.

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