Things That Make Me GLOW

Things That Make Me GLOW

Activity 2 of 4 in this unit

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • ...

Activity summary

What makes you glow? In this activity, children identify all their special qualities that make them glow, and create a class mural sharing all their fantastic qualities. This is a ‘Find Out’ activity following on from reading Charlie’s Tales: Sylvie and the Star Tree by The Pretty Foundation.

Activity Type

  • Creation

Target Age

  • 3 - 5 years old

Activity guides and printables

Activity Instructions

Activity details


  • social-emotional learning
  • foundational literacy

Curriculum Mapping

EYLF Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity - children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth.

Resources Required

  • Coloured paints/watercolour paints
  • Glue
  • Oil pastel 
  • Paper
  • Permanent black texta
  • Printed photo of each child
  • Scissors

About the Book

Pretty Foundation (2018). Charlie’s Tales: Sylvie and the Star Tree. Pretty Foundation.

ISBN: 9780646982243

Charlie’s Tales Sylvie and the Star Tree aims to teach young people that who we are (i.e. our character) is more important than how we look. It also highlights that our differences are our strengths. The Charlie’s Tales series aims to build body confidence in early developmental years to prevent the development of negative body image.

Don’t have this book at your centre? You can purchase it here.

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