Lesson Summary
Cool's "Conversations" Professional Learning series is designed to unlock the power of meaningful conversations with renowned education experts. Participants will deepen their professional knowledge and teaching practice by watching the conversation and reflecting on their learning. Don't forget to download your certificate!
This Conversation session is with the Executive Director of The Embrace Collective, Dr Zali Yager. The Embrace Collective team are on a mission to help young people build better body image so they can live their lives free from feelings of shame and judgement about their bodies. In this exclusive session for primary and secondary teachers, you'll be the first to see the brand-new Embrace Kids Teacher Masterclass.
You will learn:
- The latest information about how to talk and teach about bodies, food and weight.
- Strategies from body image expert Dr Zali Yager about how you can help students build better body image.
Course time:
About 35 minutes - perfect for after work or during a spare period. You will have ongoing access via your user dashboard.
This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers.
- 1.1.2 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students: Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
- 4.1.2 Support student participation: Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
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Course Content
Conversation With Dr Zali Yager
Workshop Instructor
Dr Zali Yager is an internationally-recognised expert in the body image space, known for figuring out ‘what works’ to help people feel better about their bodies.
Zali is the co-Executive Director of The Embrace Collective and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Institute for Health and Sport at Victoria University, with a background in health and physical education. She has been involved in the development of almost every evidence-based body image school program around the world, and was a consultant on two EU-funded Erasmus+ projects - Body Confident Mums and Body Confident Sport.
Zali co-authored the Embrace Kids book with 2023 Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt, and was the body image expert advisor on the EMBRACE KIDS film. She is ridiculously passionate and driven by the desire to create a safer body image environment for the next generation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get proof of completion?
You will get a Professional Learning Certificate when you have completed this course. You can access this Certificate (and your course progress!) anytime via your personal dashboard. Download your certificate or print it for your learning portfolio.
How does it work?
Before recording the conversation with our education expert, we invite our teaching community to submit their burning questions about the topic or subject. These questions then form the foundation of the discussion to ensure we're asking the contemporary questions educators like you have.
Is this course accredited?
This session is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers.
1.1.2 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students: Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
4.1.2 Support student participation: Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI) or NSW (NESA). However, it can be counted towards teacher-identified learning hours (ACT) or NESA PD elective hours (NSW).
Who are the instructors?
This course is designed in consultation with teachers, principals, psychologists, counsellors, scientists, and all manner of experts in the education field.
Cool.org's curriculum team continually reviews and refines our resources to be in line with changes to the Australian Curriculum and best educational practices, so you can be sure your learning is at the cutting edge.
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