How To Teach Numeracy More Effectively

How To Teach Numeracy More Effectively

  • Cool+
  • Early Learning
  • Primary
  • Mathematics
  • ...

Course summary

This course will help teachers better understand and apply evidence-based tools to effectively teach the maths curriculum and mathematics skills. 

The recommendations, based in part on the Evidence for Learning Guidance Report, highlight key areas actionable by staff responsible for leading improvements in maths teaching in their school, including at a leadership and classroom level.

This report is primarily aimed at mathematics and educational leaders (sometimes referred to as ​‘middle leaders’), senior leaders such as school leaders and centre directors and other staff with responsibility for leading improvement in mathematics in early learning and primary school settings.

Educators will also find this guidance useful as a resource to aid their day-to-day practice.

You will learn:

Strategies for building upon students’ existing knowledge to develop a rich framework of mathematical knowledge, including:

  • problem-solving strategies and metacognitive skills
  • using tools, such as manipulatives, representations, tasks and resources effectively to enable positive mathematical learning outcomes for students
  • fostering motivation and love of learning maths in students, as well as addressing any gaps in learning between primary and secondary school levels. 

Course time:

This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard so long as you maintain a Cool+ subscription.


This course is mapped to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories except NSW:

  • 3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs

This course is not currently accredited in NSW (NESA). However, it can be counted toward NESA PD elective hours.

This course is accredited by TQI for 2 hours of professional development for teachers in the ACT for 2024.

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Course Content

Getting Started

Getting Started

Set some learning goals
The General Capability: Numeracy

The General Capability: Numeracy

What is the general capability: numeracy?
Why is it important to teach numeracy across the curriculum?
6 Recommendations

6 Recommendations

Introduction to the recommendations
Recommendation 1: Use assessment to build on students' existing knowledge and understanding
Recommendation 2: Use manipulative and representations
Recommendation 3: Teach strategies for solving problems
Recommendation 4: Enable students to develop a rich network of mathematical knowledge
Recommendation 5: Develop students' independence and motivation
Recommendation 6: Use tasks and resources to challenge and support students' mathematics
Recommendation 7: Support students to make a successful transition between primary and secondary school
In The Classroom

In The Classroom

Cool lesson plans


Taxonomy of learning
Suggestions for collaboration

Course instructor

Jarryd Bendall from Cool Australia is your course teacher. He comes from a long line of teachers, which is why he initially avoided this calling. After a myriad of roles in law, medicine, used car sales, and as the mascot for the Western Bulldogs AFL team, Jarryd eventually taught primary school for a number of years, before combining his love for writing and education at an Education Specialist role with Cool. This role sees him as a bridge between knowledgeable industry experts and classroom teachers, bringing excellence into the classroom and challenging the average curriculum with innovative and effective ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this take to complete?

This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard so long as you maintain a Cool+ subscription.

Will I get proof of completion?

You will get a certificate when you finish, which you can access any time via your personal dashboard, it will also be sent to you by email.

Is this course accredited?

This course is mapped to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories except NSW:

  • 4.4 Ensure students’ well-being and safety within school by implementing school and/ or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.

This course is not currently accredited in NSW (NESA). However, it can be counted toward NESA PD elective hours.

What are the curriculum links?

  • Maths
  • General capabilities: Numeracy
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