Course Summary
Cool's "Conversations" professional learning series is designed to unlock the power of meaningful conversations with renowned education experts. Participants will deepen their professional knowledge and teaching practice by watching the conversation and reflecting on their learning. Don't forget to download your certificate!
How does it work?
Before recording the conversation with our education expert, we invite our teaching community to submit their burning questions about the topic or subject. These questions then form the foundation of the discussion to ensure we're asking the burning, contemporary questions educators like you have.
You will learn:
- Tangible, sustainable strategies and ideas you can use in term 4 and beyond to take care of your own wellbeing
Course time:
About 50 minutes - perfect for after work or during a spare period. You will have ongoing access via your user dashboard.
This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers:
- 6.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
- 7.4 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.
This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).
Workshop Instructor

About Megan
Megan Corcoran is a wellbeing consultant and Director at Wagtail Institute. She spent 12 years teaching and leading in alternative schools, working with young people who had experienced childhood trauma, often lived in out of home care and were experiencing disadvantage. She has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and teaches a Positive Psychology subject at Monash University. She is passionate about the wellbeing of students and staff in schools and loves sharing wellbeing science and trauma-informed practice with teachers.

About Kirsten
Kirsten is a former Primary classroom teacher, curriculum area leader, marketing aficionado, and all-around curious person. She's also your 2024 Workshop Facilitator.
Kirsten is passionate about designing engaging learning opportunities that meet the needs of and challenge all students, building strong relationships in the classroom and school community and ensuring educators across Australia are supported, valued and celebrated for the many things they do.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get proof of completion?
You will get a certificate when you finish to prove that you have completed this course. You can access this certificate (and your course progress!) anytime via your personal dashboard.
Is this course accredited?
This session is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers.
- 6.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
- 7.4 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.
This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).
Who are the instructors?
This course is designed in consultation with teachers, principals, psychologists, counsellors, scientists, and all manner of experts in the education field.'s curriculum team continually reviews and refines our resources to be in line with changes to the Australian Curriculum and best educational practice, so you can be sure your learning is at the cutting edge of education theory.
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