Listen and Understand with Sketchnoting

Listen and Understand with Sketchnoting

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • English
  • Creative writing
  • Persuasive writing
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • History
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • ...

Course Summary

Sketchnoting will help your students record, remember and understand what they’re listening to or reading. This visual note-taking technique can be used in any subject area by any year level. No matter what your drawing ability, you’re going to love this course.

You will learn:

  • Develop students’ ability to understand new information and ideas.
  • Boost student interest in classroom learning.
  • Enhance creative thinking skills.
  • Cater for different learning styles.

Course time:

This course will take you 1 hour to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard.


This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers. It is accredited for teacher professional development hours:

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories except ACT:

  • 1.6.2 Design and implement teaching activities that support the participation and learning of students with disability and address relevant policy and legislative requirements (except for NSW)
  • 2.1.2 Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities.
  • 3.3.2 Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking.

This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).

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Course Content



About this course
How To Sketchnote

How To Sketchnote

Sketchnoting Tools
The sketchnoting process
Draw Pictures Using Shapes
Draw pictures of people and faces
Use emphasis
Add Narrative
Practice Sketchnoting


Reflect on your learning

Course instructors

Interviews with April Seymore. April is an award-winning educator and citizen scientist based in Melbourne. She is Executive Officer at Port Phillip EcoCentre, activating sustainability from the ‘burbs to the Bay. April is passionate about whole-brain learning activities to engage brains of all ages, backgrounds and developmental abilities.

Jarryd Bendall comes from a long line of teachers, which is why he initially avoided this calling. After a myriad of roles in law, medicine, used car sales, and as the mascot for the Western Bulldogs AFL team, Jarryd eventually taught primary school for a number of years, before combining his love for writing and education at an Education Specialist role with Cool. This role sees him as a bridge between knowledgeable industry experts and classroom teachers, bringing excellence into the classroom and challenging the average curriculum with innovative and effective ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this take to complete?

This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard.

Will I get proof of completion?

You will get a certificate when you finish, which you can access any time via your personal dashboard, it will also be sent to you by email.

Is this course accredited?

This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers. It is accredited for teacher professional development hours:

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories except ACT:

  • 1.6.2 Design and implement teaching activities that support the participation and learning of students with disability and address relevant policy and legislative requirements (except for NSW)
  • 2.1.2 Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities.
  • 3.3.2 Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking.

This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).

What are the curriculum links?

  • Year 3 to Year 6: all subject areas
  • Year 7 to Year 12: all subject areas
  • General capabilities: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking


Faber Castell logo

Many thanks to our partner Faber-Castell. Faber-Castell have long understood the importance of creativity to all people, especially to young people. They are also continuously searching for environmentally friendly processes and high-quality materials to enhance children’s creative experience throughout every development phase. For more information about Faber-Castell, click here.

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