Course Summary
This course will provide you with strategies and tips to deliver Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in a sustainable, meaningful way. The course has been designed in partnership with LifeChanger Foundation, drawing upon their expertise and experience in delivering in-school SEL workshops throughout Australia and New Zealand.
You will learn:
- an introduction to SEL and why it’s important
- how to embed SEL concepts into everyday teaching and learning
- how to role model SEL concepts in your teaching practice
- ways to disseminate SEL concepts using a school-wide approach.
All of our courses are mapped to the Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL), and your completion can be logged as relevant, teacher-identified professional development activity with all Australian state teaching regulatory authorities. To do this, grab your certificate of completion from your personal dashboard once the course is complete.
Proficient Teacher - all states and territories:
- 3.2 Plan and implement well-structured learning and teaching programs or lesson sequences that engage students and promote learning.
- 4.1 Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).
Course Content

Getting Started

Introduction to social and emotional learning

Embedding SEL Concepts into Teaching and Learning

Role Modelling SEL

Upskilling and Supporting Other Teachers to Adopt a Uniform Approach

Disseminating LifeChanger Concepts Throughout the School

Course instructors

Facilitators from LifeChanger Foundation will be your course instructors
LifeChanger is a preventative mental health and well-being non-profit that empowers young people with the courage to thrive by developing their social, emotional and resilience skills.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will this take to complete?
This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard.
Is this course accredited?
All of our courses are mapped to the Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL), and your completion can be logged as relevant, teacher-identified professional development activity with all Australian state teaching regulatory authorities. To do this, grab your certificate of completion from your personal dashboard once the course is complete.
Proficient Teacher - all states and territories (except ACT)
- 3.2 Plan and implement well-structured learning and teaching programs or lesson sequences that engage students and promote learning.
- 4.1 Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
This course is not currently accredited in the ACT (TQI). However, it can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT).
Will I get proof of completion?
You will get a certificate when you finish, which you can access any time via your personal dashboard, it will also be sent to you by email.
What are the curriculum links?
LifeChanger aligns with the Personal and Social Capabilities and the Community Health strand of the National Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum for students.

About LifeChanger
LifeChanger’s mission is to positively impact one million young people annually by providing access to resources and mental health prevention programs that are grounded in positive psychology and strength-based theories and developed around the Five Pillars of Health, Skills, Self, Purpose and Tribe.
LifeChanger believes that many of the confronting challenges and alarming statistics that face today's youth are preventable through pre-emptive, early intervention programs that engage with youth, teachers, parents and local mentors.
LifeChanger classroom activities are delivered by trained facilitators using a pre-emptive and holistic approach to support sustainable growth in schools and communities.
To learn more about LifeChanger, head to
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