Lesson summary
Students analyse why author Bjorn Sturmberg chose the medium of a children's fable to communicate an important message about renewable energy sources, the effectiveness and challenges of this medium, and how this medium impacted or altered the message.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand the effects of text structures and language features on audiences.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- describe the effectiveness and challenges of using the structure of a children's picture book to affect audiences
- explain renewable energy sources within the context of Amy's Balancing Act
- create their own fables to demonstrate their mastery of using text structures to communicate messages to audiences.
Lesson guides and printables
Additional info
Amy’s Balancing Act is a story about the clean energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables and energy storage. The story captures how this transition requires an openness to change and a shift in mindset: from fixating on rigid control to working flexibly with diverse technologies.
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