Lesson summary
This activity has been designed to give all members of staff at the school the opportunity to participate in the transport audit process. In this audit, staff members are asked to share the distance that they have to travel to school.
Overarching learning goals:
- This activity has been designed to give all members of staff at the school the opportunity to participate in the transport audit process. In this audit, staff members are asked to share the distance that they have to travel to school. This activity is a great way to get whole school involvement around issues of sustainability.
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
Resources required
- Staff
- Worksheet (optional)
Additional info
NOTE: Although this activity has been created in support of the ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic program you will not meet the data goals of the program through this activity.
This activity has been created to give younger students – for whom the official water audit would be too complex – an opportunity to participate in the water component of the ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic program. To gain accreditation your school will still need to complete the more complex water audit.
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