Coward Punch -  Dramatic Elements

Coward Punch - Dramatic Elements

Lesson 2 of 8 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this lesson, students revise and understand the Elements of Drama from the Australian Curriculum. They learn about Danny Green’s Stop the Coward Punch campaign and analyse a TV commercial for the elements of drama that have been used. Through a collaborative learning activity, students build their knowledge of how the Elements of Drama can be used to shape dramatic meaning for an audience.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • reflect on their prior thinking about racism
  • explore any shifts in their thinking around racist behaviours and attitudes
  • explore their thought processes about racist behaviours and attitudes.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • reflect on their learning
  • create a resource that educates others on how to handle racist encounters and challenging conversations.
  • understand the dramatic elements and can identify their use in dramatic texts
  • develop an awareness of the STOP the Coward Punch campaign
  • improvise using dramatic elements.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian curriculum content descriptions: 

Years 7 & 8 Drama:

Combine the elements of drama in devised and scripted drama to explore and develop issues, ideas and themes (ACADRM040)
Analyse how the elements of drama have been combined in devised and scripted drama to convey different forms, performance styles and dramatic meaning (ACADRR045)

Syllabus outcomes: DRAA4.3.1, DRAM4.1.2

General capabilities: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability

Relevant parts of Years 7 & 8 achievement standards: Students identify and analyse how the elements of drama are used, combined and manipulated in different styles. They apply this knowledge in drama they make and perform. Students collaborate to devise, interpret and perform drama. They manipulate the elements of drama, narrative and structure to control and communicate meaning.

This lesson is part of the wider unit of work STOP the Coward Punch: Arts – Years 7 to 10

Time required: 60 mins

Level of teacher scaffolding: A medium level of teacher scaffolding is required in this lesson. The teacher will facilitate class discussion and observe groups interacting, encouraging their creativity.

Resources required

  • Device capable of presenting a video to the class with connection to the internet
  • Student Worksheet – one per student


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Problem solving
  • Collaboration

Additional info

These resources have been designed in partnership with Danny Green's STOP the Coward's Punch campaign.

Danny Green’s STOP the Coward Punch campaign was started in 2012 with the aim of raising awareness of the devastating effects of the coward punch on the community, including the physical and mental scars survivors, families and friends are left with for life.

STOP the Coward Punch believes in the right of all people to enjoy themselves, safely and free from violence. With support from entertainers, athletes, community leaders, politicians and everyday Australians, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the simple precautions we – as a community and as individuals – can take to ensure safe and enjoyable outings and, ultimately, reduce the number of coward punch occurrences in our communities.

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