Footy Fit - Applied Movement

Footy Fit - Applied Movement

Lesson 6 of 9 in this unit

  • Primary
  • Year 3 - 6
  • English
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this lesson, students take on the role of a coach, preparing instructional texts and planning a workout routine to meet specific success criteria. They learn about rest and recovery and work with peers, receiving feedback and making improvements to their plans.

The health and fitness-related tasks undertaken throughout the Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge lessons are gamified, providing incentivised learning opportunities and allowing for some personalisation. Therefore, we recommend students complete the full Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge unit to benefit from the full experience, completing this lesson first.

Learning intentions:

Students understand...

  • the connections between fundamental movement skills and their application in a sporting context as part of movement sequences
  • the importance of rest and recovery
  • how to treat basic sporting injuries.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • write a procedural text
  • identify the fundamental movement skills used in a sporting context of their choosing
  • create a plan that trains these movement skills
  • develop a targeted fitness program
  • demonstrate and communicate a movement sequence to their peers.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Outcomes Covered

Click on your curriculum to view the full list outcomes covered by this Lesson.

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions: 

Year 3 & 4 Health and Physical Education:

  • Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS036)
  • Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces (ACPPS040)
  • Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing (ACPPS041)

Year 5 & 6 Health and Physical Education:

  • Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054)
  • Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community health and wellbeing and creates connections to natural and built environments (ACPPS059)

Year 3 English:

  • Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences) (ACELA1478)
  • Identify the audience and purpose of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts (ACELY1678)
  • Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print, and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682)
  • Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation (ACELY1683)

Year 4 English:

  • Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience (ACELA1490)
  • Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students’ own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (ACELA1498)
  • Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)
  • Re-read and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure (ACELY1695)

Year 5 English:

  • Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (ACELA1504)
  • Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704)
  • Re-read and edit student’s own and others’ work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features (ACELY1705)

Year 6 English:

  • Investigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas (ACELA1522)
  • Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases (ACELA1523)
  • Identify and explain how analytical images like figures, tables, diagrams, maps and graphs contribute to our understanding of verbal information in factual and persuasive texts (ACELA1524)
  • Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525)
  • Analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of a text (ACELY1711)
  • Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1714)
  • Re-read and edit students’ own and others’ work using agreed criteria and explaining editing choices (ACELY1715)

Syllabus outcomes: PHS2.12, PHS3.12, SLS2.13, SLS3.13, ALS2.6, ALS3.6EN2-2A, EN2-8B, EN2-9B, EN3-2A, EN3-3A, EN3-5B, EN3-6B

General capabilities: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability

Relevant parts of Years 3 English achievement standards:
Students understand how content can be organised using different text structures depending on the purpose of the text. Their texts include writing and images to express and develop, in some detail, experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. Students create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar audiences. They demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing.

Relevant parts of Years 4 English achievement standards:
Students understand that texts have different text structures depending on purpose and context. Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use accurate spelling and punctuation, re-reading and editing their work to improve meaning.

Relevant parts of Years 5 English achievement standards:
Students explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. Students use language features to show how ideas can be extended. Students create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts for different purposes and audiences. When writing, they demonstrate understanding of grammar using a variety of sentence types. They select specific vocabulary and use accurate spelling and punctuation. They edit their work for cohesive structure and meaning.

Relevant parts of Years 6 English achievement standards:
Students compare and analyse information in different and complex texts, explaining literal and implied meaning. They select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it. They create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and audiences. They demonstrate an understanding of grammar, and make considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing. They use accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity and make and explain editorial choices based on criteria.

Relevant parts of Years 3 & 4 HPE achievement standards:
Students understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active. They use decision-making and problem-solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. They refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in a variety of physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.

Relevant parts of Years 5 & 6 HPE achievement standards:
Students describe the key features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity participation to health and wellbeing. They demonstrate skills to work collaboratively, and perform specialised movement skills and sequences and propose and combine movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes and solve movement challenges. They apply the elements of movement when composing and performing movement sequences.

This lesson is part of the wider unit of work Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge – HPE – Years 3-6

Time required: 60 mins.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Low – students work independently.

Resources required


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Problem solving

Additional info

The Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge is a unit of work designed in collaboration with the Sydney Swans to promote health and wellbeing amongst students in years 3 to 6. It is designed to align with, and provide further depth to, the in-schools Volkswagen Footy Fit program for years 2 to 6.

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