How Do Combustion Reactions Affect the Carbon Cycle?

How Do Combustion Reactions Affect the Carbon Cycle?

Lesson 1 of 5 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 9
  • Science
  • Earth and Space
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
  • Energy
  • Sustainability
  • Economic
  • Design Thinking
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Job Ready
  • Systems Thinking
  • Technology
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students uncover the effects of climate change and its underlying causes. They look into combustion reactions and discover their role in the greenhouse effect. Students also explore the carbon cycle by analysing the processes and stores involved to understand how human activity has influenced the disruption to the carbon cycle and what effect this has on climate change.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • Represent the carbon cycle and describe the key processes and stores involved, including combustion, photosynthesis and respiration, as well as gain an understanding of how human activities have affected the carbon cycle.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • Understand what the greenhouse effect is and why it is occurring.
  • Describe a combustion reaction and explain why these influence the greenhouse effect.
  • Represent the carbon cycle in a diagram and show how combustion interacts with the atmosphere and how this affects photosynthesis and respiration.

Lesson guides and printables

Visual Explainer: Exploring Earth’s System
Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

21st Century Skills

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Communication
  • Reflection

Curriculum Mapping

Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description: Year 9 Earth and Space Sciences

  • Represent the carbon cycle and examine how key processes, including combustion, photosynthesis, and respiration, rely on interactions between Earth’s spheres (the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere) (AC9S9U03).

General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking

Syllabus outcomes: Stage 5 ES3

Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability

Relevant parts of Year 9 Science achievement standards:  Students can explain how interactions within and between Earth’s spheres affect the carbon cycle.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium - facilitate class discussion and research.

Resources Required

  • A4 blank paper
  • Device capable of displaying audiovisual material
  • Student devices and internet access
  • Student Worksheet

Additional Info

This unit of lessons, along with the other units in the Skills and Jobs For a Transitioned Economy package, aim to teach students how to be climate solution entrepreneurs. These lessons will equip students with the relevant skills and knowledge of jobs and career pathways that will be able to sustain our economy once it has transitioned away from fossil fuels. thanks our philanthropic partners, the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and Boundless Earth, for their generous contributions in helping us to create these resources.

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