Lesson summary
Many Australians identify with the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. But did you know that Indigenous people have identified more detailed and complex seasons for their local areas? Investigate and find out about the seasons in your local area.
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Curriculum codes:
- Year 3: ACSHE050,ACHASSI052 , ACHASSI061
- Year 4: ACSSU072, ACSSU073, ACHASSI073, ACHASSI082
- Year 5: ACSSU043, ACSSU078, ACHASSI094
- Year 6: ACSSU094, ACHASSI122, ACHASSI133
Ideal for: Middle and Upper Primary Ages 7 – 12
- investigate
- be creative
Time required: 40 minutes
Curriculum connections: Science, Geography, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Sustainability
Resources required
- Device for researching
- Paints, colouring pencils or markers
- Paper and pencils
Additional info
Learning@Home resources are designed for parents and teachers to use with children in the home environment. They can be used as stand-alone activities or built into existing curriculum-aligned learning programs. Our Learning@Home series includes two types of resources. The first are fun and challenging real-world activities for all ages, the second are self-directed lessons for upper primary and secondary students. These lessons support independent learning in remote or school settings.
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