Lesson summary
Students investigate the concept of a species and how the concept is applied.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- use distinguishing features to separate species.
- apply scientific concepts to identify species.
- propose differences between natural and human causes of extinction.
- sort species of plants and animals living in Australia into indigenous, domesticated and pests.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
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Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian Curriculum Link:
Year 7 Science:
- There are differences within and between groups of organisms; classification helps organise this diversity (ACSSU111)
- Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions (ACSIS130)
Year 8 Science:
- Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions (ACSIS145)
Syllabus Outcomes: SC4-7WS, SC4-14LW.Â
Time required:Â 60 mins+ (ideal for two lessons)
Level of teacher scaffolding:Â Assist students in applying the concept of ecosystems, species and biodiversity.
Resources required
- Internet and library access and writing materials or tablets if available
Additional info
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