Presentation Summary
Introduce learners to the Acknowledgement of Country and why it is important to pay respect and recognise the land's Traditional Custodians.
These lessons draw from themes and images from Somebody’s Land.
Somebody’s Land is an invitation to connect with First Nations culture, to acknowledge the hurt of the past, and to join together as one community with a precious shared history as old as time. The story told by Adam Goodes and Ellie Laing, together with David Hardy’s pictures, full of life, invites children and their families to imagine themselves in Australia’s past – to feel the richness of our First Nations’ history, to acknowledge that our country was never terra nullius, and to see the impact of colonisation from a First Nations perspective.
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Curriculum links
- The diversity of First Nations Australians, their social organisation and their continuous connection to Country/Place (AC9HS4K01)
- The effects of contact with other people on First Nations Australians and their Countries/Places following the arrival of the First Fleet and how this was viewed by First Nations Australians as an invasion (AC9HS4K04)
Aligned resources
- Lesson: Brave New Clan - Country/Place - Connection to Country
- Lesson: Brave New Clan - Country/Place - Caring for Country
- Professional Learning: How To Do an Acknowledgement of Country

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