Healthy vs Unhealthy Foods

  • Cool+
  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • English
  • Text Analysis
  • Social
  • Physical Health
  • ...

Presentation Summary

Why is it that everything that tastes great is not so good for us? Learn to make better choices by being better informed. Looks like we may have a 'food feud' on our hands.

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  • Click the 'download' button and choose either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.
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  • View the entire catalogue of Presentation Slides here.

Curriculum links

  • Investigate different sources and types of health information and how these apply to their own and others’ health choices (AC9HP6P09)
  • Analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities (AC9HP6P10)

Aligned resources

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