2040 - Watching the Film

2040 - Watching the Film

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Year 5 - 10
  • English
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Conservation
  • Energy
  • Oceans
  • Sustainability
  • ...

2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW! Director Damon Gameau embarks on a journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet. Find out how to screen the film here.

The film will demonstrate to your students that we already have the solutions to climate change; we just need to take action to bring them rapidly into the mainstream. The 2040 documentary and curriculum package will support your students in turning this knowledge into positive action for a better future. These lessons have been designed with a media library to support teachers. The film is available on-demand and on DVD.

2040 is proudly distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment.

These lessons are designed to tune your students in to the concepts covered in the film, and to better prepare them for viewing. Each lesson will immerse students in and connect with the documentary film 2040. Students will then be better equipped to watch the 2040 documentary and explore existing solutions to the filmmaker’s concerns about the future. Finally, students reflect on their experiences of the film.

Cool.org, GoodThing Productions and Regen Pictures would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of Good Pitch Australia, Shark Island Institute, Documentary Australia Foundation, The Caledonia Foundation and our philanthropic partners in the development of these teaching resources.

Tune in

Thought-provoking lessons featuring questions and activities designed to stimulate students' interest.

  • Lesson
  • ...

2040 - Tuning In to the Documentary (Primary)

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • English
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

2040 - Tuning In to the Documentary (Secondary)

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 10
  • English
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability

Find out

Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
  • ...

2040 - Finding Out About 2040

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • English
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
  • Lesson
  • ...

2040 - Exploring the Themes of 2040

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 10
  • English
  • Science
  • The Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
Unit saved in resources

