Blue The Film: Decline of the Oceans

Blue The Film: Decline of the Oceans

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Sustainability
  • Water
  • ...

This unit describes social action lessons inspired by the film, which include activities such as creating a campaign, investigating the impact of human activities on coral reefs, and exploring solutions to address coral reef damage using a design thinking model.

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Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
  • ...

Blue - Interactions in Ocean Ecosystems

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Water
  • Lesson
  • ...

Blue - Ocean Changes Affecting Coral Reefs

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Water
  • Lesson
  • ...

Blue - Coral Reef Design Challenge

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Water
  • Lesson
  • ...

Blue - The Connection Between Oceans and Life on Earth

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Water
Unit saved in resources

