Resilient Australia - Depictions of Resilience

Resilient Australia - Depictions of Resilience

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • ...

This unit focuses on how natural hazards have been depicted in art by artists worldwide, as well as the effects of these disasters on the Australian landscape and wildlife. Students will learn about different techniques and mediums used to evoke emotions in artwork, and create their own art pieces using charcoal to depict the effects of bushfires on Australian wildlife. Additionally, the lesson explores how art can be used as a tool for building resilience and fostering community connectedness. Students will have the opportunity to participate in an art exhibition and showcase their work under a banner entitled "The Resilient Artist".

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Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
  • ...

Resilient Australia - The Magnitude of Natural Hazards Drawing and Analysis

  • Secondary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • The Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
  • Lesson
  • ...

Resilient Australia - The Effects Natural Hazards Have On Australian Species Charcoal Artwork

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
  • Lesson
  • ...

Resilient Australia - Portrait Of A Bushfire Survivor

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
  • Lesson
  • ...

Resilient Australia - Developing Resilience Through Art

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
  • Lesson
  • ...

Resilient Australia - Developing The Resilient Artist Exhibition

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • The Arts
  • Media Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster resilience
Unit saved in resources

