STEM Futures: The Physics of Noise Control in Wind Farms

STEM Futures: The Physics of Noise Control in Wind Farms

  • Year 11
  • Science
  • Physics
  • ...

In this Physics lesson, students explore renewable energy by investigating how a knowledge of the properties of soundwaves and acoustic engineering techniques can be applied to reduce noise pollution from wind turbines. Students will investigate how acoustic engineers plan and design structures that manage sound waves effectively, applying their knowledge to a real-world wind farm project in Queensland.

Developed in partnership with the Queensland Government through Queensland's Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap and alongside industry experts the Clean Energy Council, this lesson has been designed to empower educators to deliver clean energy content, build students STEM skills and increase their awareness of clean energy career opportunities, highlighting connections between STEM knowledge and the renewable energy context.

This lesson is a part of the STEM Futures: Energy Careers program, which consists of lessons and resources for Science, Mathematics and Design and Technologies across Years 7-12 that highlight projects, people and careers in Queensland through case studies and video content. The lessons are aligned to the Australian Curriculum v9.0 as well as the QCAA Curriculum, but can be used in various teaching and learning contexts. The program allows students to learn subject-specific knowledge, concepts and skills in the context of real world, Queensland and Australian renewable energy projects and empowers them to understand how their subject knowledge can be applied to the careers and industries in this vital sector.


Investigate how acoustic engineering techniques can be applied to reduce noise pollution from wind turbines.

  • Lesson
  • Free
  • ...

Designing Wind Turbines for Noise Control

  • Secondary
  • Year 11
  • Science
  • Physics
  • Environmental
  • Energy
  • Sustainability
  • Economic
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Job Ready
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