Two Mates

Two Mates

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
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Friendships are an important part of the development of our early social skills. In Melanie Prewett’s book Two Mates, we explore the friendship between two boys, their similarities and differences. In these four activities, we take a leaf out of Jack and Raf’s book and explore the different ways we can experience friendship, how our friends experience the world in different ways, and practice walking (or rolling!) in someone else’s shoes.

About the book

Prewett, M. (2012). Two Mates. Magabala Books, ISBN: 9781921248450

The true story of the special mateship between two boys who have grown up together in Broome in Australia’s northwest. Jack is Indigenous, and Raf is a non-Indigenous boy who has Spina bifida. The boys share their daily life as they search for hermit crabs, go hunting for barni, fish for salmon, explore the markets, eat satays and dress up as superheroes. The fact that Raf is in a wheelchair is only revealed at the end of the story. Includes information about Spina bifida.

Don’t have this book at your centre? You can purchase it here.


  • Activity
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Two Mates Collages

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Activity
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Venn Diagram of Two Mates

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Activity
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Wheels, Wheels and More Wheels

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Activity
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Wheelchair Box Construction

  • Early Learning
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
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