
  • Cool+
  • Secondary
  • Year 7
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Water
  • ...

Video summary

Fresh water is the most precious resource on Earth. It is the essential ingredient for
life on Earth. Although water covers three-quarters of our Earth’s surface, the freshwater that so much of life depends upon only makes up 1% of this water – just a tiny sliver scattered on this earth to support us all. You’d think we’d be pretty careful with something so precious yet so scarce. So are we?

Curriculum Mapping

Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description: Year 7 Geography

The location and distribution of water resources in Australia, their implications, and strategies to manage the sustainability of water (AC9HG7K02)

Year 7 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 7, students describe how the characteristics of places are perceived and valued differently by people. They describe the importance of environments to people. They describe the features of a distribution. They explain the interconnections between people and places and environments, and describe how these interconnections change places or environments.

More Content Like This

Want to offer your class a bit more? Here are some presentations, lessons and factsheets that can be used with this video

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