Extend The Thinking Skills Of Young Children

Extend The Thinking Skills Of Young Children

  • Cool+
  • Early Learning
  • Primary
  • Foundation
  • Year 1 - 2
  • Social
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • ...

Course Summary

This course will help you enrich the learning of children in your care by providing opportunities to explore, discover and problem solve. You’ll discover how to develop their higher order thinking skills so they can undertake learning adventures that ignite their interest, support their skills and promote their sense of self worth.

You will learn:

  • The stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • How to use open-ended questions to guide play-based learning.
  • How to create open-ended learning experiences.
  • How to download EYLF teaching resources.

Course time:

This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard.


This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers. It is accredited for teacher professional development hours:

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories:

  • 2.5.2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of effective teaching strategies to support students’ literacy and numeracy achievement.
  • 3.3.2 – Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking.
  • 3.4.2 – Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.

This course is accredited by TQI for 2 hours of professional development for teachers in the ACT for 2024.

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Course Content

Getting Started

Getting Started

Young children as thinkers
Set some learning goals
Thinking In Early Childhood

Thinking In Early Childhood

Bloom's Taxonomy
Closed questions
Development of language in young children
Using Open-Ended Strategies

Using Open-Ended Strategies

Open-ended questions
I wonder...
Open-ended questions example
Open-ended questions during play
Closed and open-ended activities
Creating open-ended activities
Open-ended activity example
Open-ended questions during an open-ended experience
Quick check-in
Your Teaching

Your Teaching

EYLF teaching resources


Taxonomy of learning
Suggestions for collaboration

Course instructors

Heather Kerr helped to write this course. Heather is an early childhood educator who has been recognised as an innovative and exemplary practitioner. She has worked in early childhood for almost four decades as a teacher, deputy principal, parent- infant programme facilitator and outdoor environment coordinator. Heather has worked with hearing impaired, speech and language delayed children and mainstream. As an educator she is interested in language and speech development and its connection to thinking and learning and in creating rich, authentic learning experiences for young children.

Jarryd Bendall from Cool Australia is your course teacher. He comes from a long line of teachers, which is why he initially avoided this calling. After a myriad of roles in law, medicine, used car sales, and as the mascot for the Western Bulldogs AFL team, Jarryd eventually taught primary school for a number of years, before combining his love for writing and education at an Education Specialist role with Cool. This role sees him as a bridge between knowledgeable industry experts and classroom teachers, bringing excellence into the classroom and challenging the average curriculum with innovative and effective ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this take to complete?

This course will take you 2 hours to complete. Enjoy it in one session or spread it out over a few weeks. You will have ongoing access via your personal dashboard.

Will I get proof of completion?

You will get a Cool.org certificate when you finish, which you can access any time via your personal dashboard, it will also be sent to you by email.

Is this course accredited?

This course is mapped to the Professional Standards for Teachers. It is accredited for teacher professional development hours:

Proficient Teacher – all states and territories:

  • 2.5.2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of effective teaching strategies to support students’ literacy and numeracy achievement.
  • 3.3.2 – Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking.
  • 3.4.2 – Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.

This course is accredited by TQI for 2 hours of professional development for teachers in the ACT for 2024.

What are the curriculum links?

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF):

  • Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
  • Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

National Quality Standard (NQS) – Quality Area 1:

  • 1.1.1 – contribute to each child’s learning
  • 1.1.2 – current knowledge, abilities and interests are fostered and respected
  • 1.1.3 – routines are organised to maximise child’s learning opportunities
  • 1.1.6 – each child’s agency is promoted
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