Aspire Generation - What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?

Aspire Generation - What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?

Lesson 8 of 12 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Work Studies
  • Economic
  • Enterprise Learning
  • Job Ready
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students will consider the entrepreneurial behaviours of people who act to make people’s lives better. They think about their favourite inventions, watch a short explanatory clip about entrepreneurialism and connect their favourite invention to the entrepreneurial behaviours that led to its development. Students then dig deeper into a list of entrepreneurial behaviours, watch a clip about a real-life-example of Orange Sky Laundry, and make connections between the founders and volunteers of the charity to entrepreneurialism so that they better understand the good that entrepreneurialism can do in our world.

Essential questions:

  • What is an entrepreneur? 
  • What is an entrepreneurial mindset/behaviour?
  • What are the benefits of entrepreneurialism?
  • How can entrepreneurialism make a positive difference to society?

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions:

Year 9 Work Studies:

  • Identify types of entrepreneurial behaviours and their opportunities for application to 21st century work and enterprise (ACWSCL010)
  • Explain how the application of entrepreneurial behaviours can address a range of work and community challenges and provide benefits personally and to the community (ACWSCL011
  • Practise the skills and attributes underpinning entrepreneurial behaviours (ACWSCL012

Year 10 Work Studies:
Assess the benefits of developing an ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ and its relevance to 21st century work and enterprise (ACWSCL029)
Examine the creative and problem-solving techniques used within workplaces to resolve the tensions arising in business and community projects (ACWSCL030
Complete an action project utilising entrepreneurial behaviours to address an identified challenge or opportunity (ACWSCL031

General capabilities: LiteracyCritical and Creative ThinkingPersonal and Social Capability

Relevant parts of Year 9 achievement standards: Students understand entrepreneurial behaviours and their importance for work and in addressing a range of challenges.
Relevant parts of Year 10 achievement standards: Students explain the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills and a distinct profile to access and manage 21st century work opportunities and challenges. 

Unit of work: Aspire Generation – Work Studies

Time required: 90 mins.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion.

Resources required

  • Student Worksheets – one copy per student OR computers/tablets to access the online worksheet
  • Computer and device capable of showing online clips to the class
  • Entrepreneurial Behaviours list


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Social skills
  • Enterprise

Additional info

This lesson supports La Trobe University’s Aspire Generation initiative, which empowers students to drive change through community engagement, volunteerism and leadership opportunities.

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  • Economic
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