Lesson summary
Students will consider information about the future of work, and connect it to the experiences and skills they can develop though volunteering and community service. In a jigsaw classroom activity, students will find out about the future labour market and what it means for them. Students will then view and analyse a set of videos featuring the experiences of young people who undertake community service to better understand how volunteering and community service can help them to develop skills required in the future labour market.
Essential questions:
- What does the future of work look like?
- How can I best prepare for an unprecedented change to the way work works?
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian Curriculum content descriptions:
Year 9 Work Studies:
- Describe the nature of work in Australia and the implications for current and future work opportunities (ACWSCL015)
- Recognise the effects of work culture on ways of working (ACWSCL016)
Year 10 Work Studies:
- Analyse emerging approaches to work and the implications these have for workers to be flexible, proactive and responsive (ACWSCL034)
- Investigate the relationships between work cultures, work arrangements and the individual (ACWSCL035)
- Explain the roles of a range of services and agencies that support employment, self-employment and unemployment (ACWSCL036)
General capabilities: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability
Relevant parts of Year 9 achievement standards: Students investigate the changes occurring in work, workplaces and work-related relationships and the factors contributing to the changes. They identify opportunities associated with these changes. Students plan and implement strategies to improve their learning and strengthen their individual learning skills.
Relevant parts of Year 10 achievement standards: Students understand the importance of growing self-awareness in improving learning, accessing work opportunities and developing appropriate skills and making more-informed subject and career choices. They analyse emerging 21st century work arrangements and the resultant changing relationships between participants, the opportunities arising and the skills needed for these emerging work arrangements.
Unit of work: Aspire Generation – Work Studies
Time required: 120 mins (or 2x 60 mins).
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion.
Resources required
Student Worksheets – one copy per student OR computers/tablets to access the online worksheet. Device capable of presenting an online clip to the class, 5 W’s prompting questions (two copies of each), textas, Blu-Tack. Jigsaw Classroom factsheets (enough for each group of five to six students to have one of each) JIGSAW What skills do employers want from Australian young people? JIGSAW Opportunities in the future of work JIGSAW Job Clusters factsheet JIGSAW How is work changing in Australia JIGSAW globalisation factsheet JIGSAW collaboration factsheet JIGSAW automation factsheet.
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Critical thinking
- Creativity
- Social Skills
- Initiative
Additional info
This lesson supports La Trobe University’s Aspire Generation initiative, which empowers students to drive change through community engagement, volunteerism and leadership opportunities.
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