Cisco GPS - Turning Plans Into Action

Cisco GPS - Turning Plans Into Action

Lesson 7 of 7 in this unit

  • Primary
  • Year 3 - 4
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Social
  • Social Action
  • Economic
  • Enterprise Learning
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this lesson, students consolidate their learning from the Global Problem Solvers unit to become Local Problem Solvers. Students work collaboratively to understand a problem that affects their school, develop an idea for solving this problem, and make a plan for implementing a solution. Students will have the option of testing their solution and putting their ideas into action, either in groups or as a class. Following completion, students will evaluate the success of their solution, and celebrate and reflect on the success of their project and their contribution to it.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand that they can take action to address problems in their community
  • understand and be able to drive the processes required for planning and executing an action-based project

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • use their skills and interests to engage their school community in actions for change
  • follow the processes and steps required for planning and executing a social action project
  • participate in group and class discussion
  • work collaboratively and independently

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian curriculum content descriptions: 

Year 3 HASS:

  • Record, sort and represent data and the location of places and their characteristics in different formats, including simple graphs, tables and maps, using discipline-appropriate conventions (ACHASSI054)
  • Interact with others with respect to share points of view (ACHASSI059)
  • Reflect on learning to propose actions in response to an issue or challenge and consider possible effects of proposed actions (ACHASSI060)
  • Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms (ACHASSI061)

Year 4 HASS:

  • Record, sort and represent data and the location of places and their characteristics in different formats, including simple graphs, tables and maps, using discipline-appropriate conventions (ACHASSI075)
  • Interact with others with respect to share points of view (ACHASSI080)
  • Reflect on learning to propose actions in response to an issue or challenge and consider possible effects of proposed actions (ACHASSI081)
  • Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms (ACHASSI082)

Syllabus outcomes: HT2-5GE2-4

General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking

Relevant parts of Year 3 HASS achievement standards: Students record and represent data in different formats, including labelled maps using basic cartographic conventions. They reflect on their learning to suggest individual action in response to an issue or challenge. Students communicate their ideas, findings and conclusions in oral, visual and written forms using simple discipline-specific terms.

Relevant parts of Year 4 HASS achievement standards: Students share their points of view, respecting the views of others. They sort, record and represent data in different formats, including large-scale maps using basic cartographic conventions. They reflect on their learning to propose action in response to an issue or challenge, and identify the possible effects of their proposed action. Students present ideas, findings and conclusions using discipline-specific terms in a range of communication forms.

Resources required


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Community engagement
  • Collaboration
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving

Additional info

These lessons have been developed in partnership with Cisco. Cisco believes that our future will be defined by global problem solvers – global citizens ready to thrive in a connected and digital future by thinking like entrepreneurs, innovating like technologists, and acting as agents of social change.

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