Cool questions about water resources

Cool questions about water resources

Lesson 5 of 14 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • English
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
  • Water
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students investigate our present and future resources of fresh water. They examine some of the current issues and compare different views about managing water resources. Students then write an essay on one water issue of their choice.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • recognise key concepts around water, including personal water saving behaviours.
  • communicate effectively in fair and considered class-wide discussion on issues.
  • demonstrate the ability to read, evaluate and interpret information about the issues.
  • demonstrate the ability to use online tools to complete activity (extension).

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian curriculum content descriptions:

Year 7 Science:

  • Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, but others are non-renewable (ACSSU116)
  • Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on scientific knowledge (ACSIS124)

Year 7 English:

  • Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas and issues from a variety of textual sources (ACELY1723)

Year 8 Science:

  • Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on scientific knowledge (ACSIS139)
  • Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions(ACSIS145)

Year 8 English:

  • Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and language features vary according to the purpose of the text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to a text (ACELY1732)

Syllabus Outcomes: SC4-4WS, SC4-7WS, SC4-12ES, EN4-2A, EN4-3B. 

General Capabilities: Critical and creative thinking.

Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability OI.8.

Resources required

  • Internet access
  • Writing materials

Additional info

This is an original lesson. Facts and figures in these lessons may have changed since this lesson was published. We always endeavour to update our resources in a timely manner, but if you see an error or issue in our resources please get in touch with us.

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