Lesson summary
This lesson is focused on learning through play and hands-on activities. Students will experiment with ways to join various materials together, such as marker pens and natural materials to create their own sculptures.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand that objects can be designed for more than one purpose and that these designs can help us make more sustainable choices about how we use them
- create artworks using a variety of found materials to explore the materials’ differences
- pose questions about the nature of different objects that can be incorporated into their artmaking.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- explain differences between natural and not natural materials and objects
- create artworks out of a variety of materials.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian curriculum content descriptions:
Foundation – 2 Visual Arts:
- Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107).
Foundation – 2 Design & Technologies:
- Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs (ACTDEK001).
Year 1 Maths:
- Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022).
Foundation HASS:
- Pose questions about past and present objects, people, places and events (ACHASSI001).
Year 1 HASS:
- Pose questions about past and present objects, people, places and events (ACHASSI018).
Year 2 HASS:
- Pose questions about past and present objects, people, places and events (ACHASSI034)
Syllabus outcomes: VAS1.2, STe-10ME, ST1-14BE, ST1-15I, ST1-16P, MA1‑1WM, MA1-14MG, MA1-15MG.
General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking.
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability.
Relevant parts of Foundation and Year 1 and 2 achievement standards: Students make artworks in different forms to express their ideas, observations and imagination, using different techniques and processes. They describe the purpose of familiar products and how they meet the needs of users and affect others and environments. Students pose questions about familiar and unfamiliar objects.
Unit of work: Creative Sustainability – Faber-Castell Sculpture Competition – Early Learning – Year 10.
Time required: 60 mins.
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – seek relevant materials for art making prior to the lesson and facilitate class discussions.
Resources required
- Connector pens or marker pens (at least 5 pens per student is recommended. It’s ok if the pens don’t work)
- Access to an area where students can collect a range of natural materials (like twigs, gumnuts, leaves etc.)
- Containers (for collecting the natural materials)
- Paper: scrap paper to draw on, 1 A3 sheet for extension activity
- Inspiration Image – to project or one copy per two students
- Connecting Connector Pens Worksheet – one copy between two students
- Rubber bands
- Sticky tape
- Blu tack
- Scissors (to share)
- Camera (to be used by teacher)
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Critical thinking
- Problem solving
Additional info
Faber-Castell has long understood the importance of creativity to all people, especially to young people. It is also continuously searching for environmentally friendly processes and high-quality materials to enhance children’s creative experience throughout every development phase. For more information about Faber-Castell, click here.
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