Lesson summary
What do elastic bands, straws and balls of Blu-Tack have to do with how our body moves? This lesson looks into the machinery of the body, using artistic methods to give a visual insight into the hidden workings of how muscles and joints move and act under different conditions. Students will see what a torn hamstring actually looks like below the skin; the processes that actually go into moving their leg to kick a football; and why a knee moving sideways rather than forward and back can lead to a serious injury.
The health and fitness-related tasks undertaken throughout the Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge lessons are gamified, providing incentivised learning opportunities and allowing for some personalisation. Therefore, we recommend students complete the full Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge unit to benefit from the full experience, completing this lesson first.
Learning intentions:
Students understand...
- the role and limitations of muscles and joints in the movement of the human body
- how the muscles can change state with stretching, and the effect this can have on injuries
- how the push/pull dynamic of muscles works to move our bones.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- identify the location of muscles and joints around the body
- identify the push/pull dynamic in two different muscle pairs (bicep/tricep and quadricep/hamstring)
- demonstrate how muscle injuries can occur
- identify the movement of different joints around the body
- demonstrate and explain their understanding using artistic methods of presentation.
Lesson guides and printables
Outcomes Covered
Click on your curriculum to view the full list outcomes covered by this Lesson.
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian Curriculum content descriptions:
Year 3 & 4 HPE:
- Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in a variety of movement sequences and situations (ACPMP043)
Year 5 & 6 HPE:
- Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in a variety of movement sequences and situations (ACPMP061)
- Manipulate and modify elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences (ACPMP065)
Syllabus outcomes: MOS2.4, MOS3.4, GSS2.8, GSS3.8, GYS2.10, GYS3.10
General capabilities: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability
Relevant parts of Years 3 & 4 achievement standards:
By the end of Year 4, students can refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in a variety of physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.
Relevant parts of Years 5 & 6 achievement standards:
By the end of Year 6, students perform specialised movement skills and sequences and propose and combine movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes and solve movement challenges. They apply the elements of movement when composing and performing movement sequences.
This lesson is part of the wider unit of work Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge – HPE – Years 3-6
Time required: 80 mins
Level of teacher scaffolding: Low – teacher may need to facilitate some games and conduct demonstrations, but students mostly work independently.
Resources required
- Craft materials such as balloons, Blu-Tack, cardboard tubes, cardboard boxes, elastic bands, paper straws, paper bags, plastic straws, scissors, string, tape
- Device capable of creating audio-visual recordings, such as an iPad or camera
- Device capable of presenting a video to the class
- Joints Worksheet – one copy per student
- Plastic straw – one for demonstration purposes
- Rapid Movement Capture Worksheet – one copy per pair (optional)
- Student Worksheets – one copy per student
- Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge Tokens (from Lesson 1)
- Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge Game Plan (from Lesson 1 or 2)
- Volkswagen Footy Fit Stadium Scoreboard (from Lesson 1)
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Critical thinking
- Digital literacy
- Problem solving
Additional Info
The Volkswagen Footy Fit Challenge is a unit of work designed in collaboration with the Sydney Swans to promote health and wellbeing amongst students in years 3 to 6. It is designed to align with, and provide further depth to, the in-schools Volkswagen Footy Fit program for years 2 to 6.
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