Lesson summary
Students will use familiar numerical strategies to explore and report on statistics gathered from their Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme fundraising efforts.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- gather data from Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) fundraising efforts and use familiar mathematical strategies to collate data and share their successes.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- create representations of data gathered from their CDS Vic fundraising efforts
- interpret and share this data to celebrate their success.
Lesson guides and printables
Outcomes Covered
Click on your curriculum to view the full list outcomes covered by this Lesson.
Lesson details
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- creativity
- communication
- community engagement
- problem solving
- reflection
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description:
F - 6, Mathematics
Syllabus outcomes:
- collect, sort and compare data represented by objects and images in response to given investigative questions that relate to familiar situations (AC9MFST01).
Year 1:
- acquire and record data for categorical variables in various ways including using digital tools, objects, images, drawings, lists, tally marks and symbols (AC9M1ST01).
Year 2:
- acquire data for categorical variables through surveys, observation, experiment and using digital tools; sort data into relevant categories and display data using lists and tables (AC9M2ST01).
Year 3:
- conduct guided statistical investigations involving the collection, representation and interpretation of data for categorical and discrete numerical variables with respect to questions of interest (AC9M3ST03).
Year 4:
- conduct statistical investigations, collecting data through survey responses and other methods; record and display data using digital tools; interpret the data and communicate the results (AC9M4ST03).
Year 5:
- plan and conduct statistical investigations by posing questions or identifying a problem and collecting relevant data; choose appropriate displays and interpret the data; communicate findings within the context of the investigation (AC9M5ST03).
Year 6:
- plan and conduct statistical investigations by posing and refining questions or identifying a problem and collecting relevant data; analyse and interpret the data and communicate findings within the context of the investigation (AC9M6ST03).
General capabilities: Numeracy
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability
Relevant parts of Year F-6 achievement standards: Students conduct statistical investigations and display and interpret this data.
Level of teacher scaffolding: high - facilitate discussion, guide thinking, and support creation of visual data representations.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
UN SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- Target 12.5: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
Resources Required
- Data from your fundraising efforts
- Optional: student worksheet, one per student
Additional Info
This lesson has been developed in partnership with Visy. For over 70 years Visy has been committed to finding sustainable solutions for Australia and New Zealand’s recyclables and helping to reduce local landfills. Visy collects, receives and sorts paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, steel and aluminium from households, businesses and schools with the purpose of reusing these products in the re-manufacture of new packaging products.
Related Professional Learning
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