Lesson summary
In groups of 6-8 (making only 3 or 4 groups in total), students will respond to a song with a sustainability message by choreographing and performing a dance or mime.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- respond to texts
- understand the aims of National Recycling Week
- grasp the messages in texts
- collaborate to create physical representations of the ideas in texts
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
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Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian curriculum content descriptions:
Years 5 & 6 Dance:
- Explore movement and choreographic devices, using the elements of dance to choreograph dances that communicate meaning (ACADAM009)
Years 5 & 6 Drama:
- Rehearse and perform devised and scripted drama that develops narrative, drives dramatic tension, and uses dramatic symbol, performance styles and design elements to share community and cultural stories and engage an audience (ACADRM037)
Years 5 & 6 Music:
- Explain how the elements of music communicate meaning by comparing music from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music (ACAMUR091)
Year 6 Science:
- Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives (ACSHE100)
Syllabus Outcomes: DAS3.2, DRAS3.2, DRAS3.3, MUS3.4, ST3-7PW.
General capabilities: Literacy, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding
Time needed: 60 minutes
Resources required
- Internet
- Student Worksheet
- copy of the song ‘The Second Law: Unsustainable’ by Muse (consider downloading from iTunes)
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- communication
- creativity
- collaboration
Additional info
Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week started in 1996 to bring a national focus to the environmental benefits of recycling. This highly regarded annual campaign continues to educate and stimulate behaviour change by promoting kerbside, industrial and community recycling initiative. It also gives people the tools to minimise waste and manage material resources responsibly at home, work and school. In partnership with Planet Ark, we have developed lessons from early learning through to year 10 to help educators bring these important topics into the classroom.
National Recycling Week is held in the second week of November each year but you can recycle all year-round with these lessons which were designed to be used at any time. Click here to find out more about National Recycling Week and the Schools Recycle Right Challenge.
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