Planning a Scientific Experiment

Planning a Scientific Experiment

Lesson 4 of 6 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 9
  • Science
  • Inquiry Skills
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Social
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students will continue exploring essential parts of the scientific method, learning how to plan a scientific experiment by analysing AIME’s Making of a Hoodie Podcast (MOAH) and levers for shifting behaviour change for a more equitable world.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • identify the essential components of planning a scientific investigation in order to answer questions, test hypotheses, consider data generation, and select equipment.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • plan a scientific experiment for social change
  • evaluate data generation methods and choose appropriate methods for data collection.

Lesson guides and printables

Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Curriculum links

Select your curriculum from the options below.

Lesson details

21st Century Skills

  • Communication
  • Initiative
  • Global citizenship
  • Problem-solving

Curriculum Mapping

Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description: 

Year 7 & 8 Science:

  • Develop investigable questions, researched predictions and hypotheses to explore scientific models, identify patterns and test relationships (AC9S7I01, AC9S8I01)
  • Plan and conduct reproducible investigations to answer questions and test hypotheses, including identifying variables and assumptions and, as appropriate, recognising and managing risks, considering ethical issues and recognising key considerations regarding heritage sites and artefacts on Country/Place (AC9S7I02, AC9S8I02)
  • Select and use equipment to generate and record data with precision, using digital tools as appropriate (AC9S7I03, AC9S8I03)

Year 9 & 10 Science:

  • Develop investigable questions, reasoned predictions and hypotheses to test relationships and develop explanatory models (AC9S9I01, AC9S10I01)
  • Plan and conduct valid, reproducible investigations to answer questions and test hypotheses, including identifying and controlling for possible sources of error and, as appropriate, developing and following risk assessments, considering ethical issues, and addressing key considerations regarding heritage sites and artefacts on Country/Place (AC9S9I02, AC9S10I02)
  • Select and use equipment to generate and record data with precision to obtain useful sample sizes and replicable data, using digital tools as appropriate (AC9S9I03, AC9S10I03)

General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy, Ethical Understanding

Syllabus outcomes: SC4-4WS, SC5-4WS, SC4-5WS, SC5-5WS, SC4-6WS, SC5-6WS

Cross-curriculum priority: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Sustainability

Relevant parts of achievement standards: 

Year 7 & 8 Science:

  • Students plan and conduct safe, reproducible investigations to test relationships and explore models. They describe the potential ethical issues and intercultural considerations needed for specific field locations or use of secondary data. They select and record data with precision.

Year 9 & 10 Science:

  • Students plan and conduct safe, reproducible investigations to test or identify relationships and models. They describe how they have addressed any ethical and intercultural considerations when generating or using primary and secondary data. They select and use equipment to generate and record replicable data with precision. 

UN Sustainable Goals

UN SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development

Resources Required

  • Device capable of presenting video and audio to the class
  • Student access to a computer, laptop, or tablet for accessing spreadsheets
  • Student Worksheets - one copy per student

Additional Info

In the Making of a Hoodie Podcast, the host, Jack Manning Bancroft, gathers with groups of unlikely connections to dive deep on challenges, topics and issues, explore guest stories and design a hoodie together to collectively represent them.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium - some explicit teaching required, mostly facilitating conversations and supervising thinking in pairs and groups.

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