Bushfires - What You Can Do To Help Our Flora And Fauna

Bushfires - What You Can Do To Help Our Flora And Fauna

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Persuasive writing
  • Environmental
  • Disaster resilience
  • Social
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

This lesson is designed to be completed independently by students. 
Students will consider the impact that the summer bushfires had on our flora and fauna. They will read an article and answer questions that will encourage them to think and reflect on the content. Next, they will complete some simple summarising tasks to focus their ideas. Finally, students will complete a planning template and create an informative brochure titled, â€™What you can do to help our flora and fauna’.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand what a news article is and how a news article can be a catalyst for rallying people to a cause
  • understand how to effectively communicate ideas
  • plan and create an informative brochure on the ways our community can help flora and fauna affected by bushfires.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • write an informative text that explains how people can help flora and fauna affected by bushfires
  • select language and maintain a tone appropriate for your audience
  • organise your ideas strategically through a planning process.

Lesson guides and printables

Student Worksheet

Curriculum links

Select your curriculum from the options below.

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions:

Year 9 English:

  • Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and effects (ACELA1553)
  • Understand how punctuation is used along with layout and font variations in constructing texts for different audiences and purposes (ACELA1556)
  • Identify how vocabulary choices contribute to specificity, abstraction and stylistic effectiveness (ACELA1561)
  • Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and advance or illustrate arguments, including texts that integrate visual, print and/or audio features (ACELY1746)
  • Review and edit students’ own and others’ texts to improve clarity and control over content, organisation, paragraphing, sentence structure, vocabulary and audio/visual features (ACELY1747)
  • Use a range of software, including word processing programs, flexibly and imaginatively to publish texts (ACELY1748)

Year 10 English:

  • Create sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756)
  • Review, edit and refine students’ own and others’ texts for control of content, organisation, sentence structure, vocabulary, and/or visual features to achieve particular purposes and effects (ACELY1757)
  • Use a range of software, including word processing programs, confidently, flexibly and imaginatively to create, edit and publish texts, considering the identified purpose and the characteristics of the user (ACELY1776)

General capabilities: LiteracyEthical UnderstandingCritical and Creative Thinking.

Resources required

  • Device with internet connection for research
  • A pen
  • A workbook or paper to write on
  • Article: Want to help save wildlife after the fires? You can do it in your own backyard

Tips for parents or carers

For many people in Australia – including and especially young people – the bushfires were and continue to be a source of considerable anxiety and stress. This is particularly true for those who were immediately impacted by the fires.

If you need further support for students please refer to: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/bushfires-and-mental-health/

Additional info

Learning@Home resources are designed for parents and teachers to use with children in the home environment. They can be used as stand-alone activities or built into existing curriculum-aligned learning programs. Our Learning@Home series includes two types of resources. The first are fun and challenging real-world activities for all ages, the second are self-directed lessons for upper primary and secondary students. These lessons support independent learning in remote or school settings.

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