Change The Story

Change The Story

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 10
  • English
  • Persuasive writing
  • Text Analysis
  • Economic
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Systems Thinking
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this activity, you’ll see some descriptions of classic novels changed for the time of coronavirus. Then, you’ll write your own.

Lesson guides and printables

Student Worksheet

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Curriculum codes: 

Ideal for: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary


  • be creative
  • think and connect 

Time required: 20 minutes

Curriculum connections: English, Critical and Creative Thinking

Resources required

Additional info

Learning@Home resources are designed for parents and teachers to use with children in the home environment. They can be used as stand-alone activities or built into existing curriculum-aligned learning programs. Our Learning@Home series includes two types of resources. The first are fun and challenging real-world activities for all ages, the second are self-directed lessons for upper primary and secondary students. These lessons support independent learning in remote or school settings.

This lesson has been developed in partnership with The Conversation. The Conversation’s mission is to be known as a prominent and trusted publisher of new thinking and evidence-based research, editorially independent and free of commercial or political bias. The Conversation hopes teachers will use their content as a source of truthful information, and that teachers can show their students the importance of trusted, evidence-based information in understanding the world around them and making informed decisions about their actions.

Please follow the republishing guidelines when using The Conversation’s articles.

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