The Importance of Soil

  • Cool+
  • Primary
  • Year 3
  • Science
  • Earth and Space
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Disaster resilience
  • Land Management
  • ...

Presentation Summary

Discover the role of soil quality in growing crops and sustaining life on Earth. There are challenges of a growing human population with finite land. Investigate how people are managing our soils and how we can do better.

Accessing the file:

  • Click the 'download' button and choose either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.
  • Edit the presentation to suit your teaching style.
  • Members must have an active Cool+ subscription to access the presentation.
  • View the entire catalogue of Presentation Slides here.

Curriculum links

  • Compare the observable properties of soils, rocks and minerals and investigate why they are important Earth resources (AC9S3U02)

Aligned resources

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