The 2040 documentary, directed by Damon Gameau, explores the future we could have by the year 2040 if we embrace the best solutions available to improve the planet. This teaching resource introduces students to the themes of the documentary, including climate change, renewable energy, and sustainability, and encourages them to take positive action to create a better future. The resource includes a range of lessons that can be taught in sequence or as stand-alone units, along with free-to-access video content from the documentary. The lessons incorporate collaborative activities, research projects, and social action plans to help students understand the issues, develop solutions, and engage their community.
2040 is proudly distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment. The Schools Version includes an educational license, allowing you to play it in class as a learning tool or even host on-site screenings for your school community., GoodThing Productions and Regen Pictures would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of Good Pitch Australia, Shark Island Institute, Documentary Australia Foundation, The Caledonia Foundation and our philanthropic partners in the development of these teaching resources.
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