My Sustainable STEM Sideshow

My Sustainable STEM Sideshow

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Year 5 - 8
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • ...

In this unit of lessons, students are asked to create a fun and engaging sideshow game that could be used at a school fete or fair to raise money for a good cause.

Throughout these lessons, students go through all the stages of planning how to design and build their game, as well as calculating a budget and accounting for the profits and losses of running sideshow attraction. Along the way, students will engage with sustainable design principles, explore some of the science behind the design of some of the most common sideshow games, tackle probability and use this to forecast potential profits and losses using spreadsheets. 

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Thought-provoking lessons featuring questions and activities designed to stimulate students' interest.

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Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
  • Cool+
  • ...

My Sustainable STEM Sideshow - Probability

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Year 5 - 8
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Probability
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Economic
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Systems Thinking
  • Lesson
  • Cool+
  • ...

My Sustainable STEM Sideshow - Gravity and Energy

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Year 5 - 8
  • Science
  • Physics
  • Environmental
  • Energy
  • Sustainability
Unit saved in resources

