The Leadership is a documentary film directed by Ili Baré and produced by Greer Simpkin for Bunya Productions. The film follows Fabian Dattner, an Australian CEO, as she leads a group of 76 female scientists on an Antarctic voyage to transform them into effective leaders. This unit explores key themes in the film, including imposter syndrome, leadership styles, and hope. Students engage in activities that deepen their understanding of feminism, women in STEMM, equality, diversity, and sexism in the workplace. They develop critical and creative thinking skills to identify potential causes and solutions for imposter syndrome and create persuasive and creative texts that determine the qualities of a great leader.
The Leadership
- Secondary
- Year 10
- English
- Social
- Equality
- Leadership
- Social Action
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The Leadership - Viewing And Responding To The Film
- Secondary
- Year 9 - 10
- English
- Learning through film
- Social
- Equality
- Leadership
- Social Action
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The Leadership - Imposter Syndrome
- Secondary
- Year 9 - 10
- English
- Social
- Equality
- Leadership
- Social Action
- Lesson
- Free
- ...
The Leadership - Improving Gender Equality in the Workplace
- Secondary
- Year 9 - 10
- English
- Social
- Equality
- Leadership
- Social Action
- Lesson
- Free
- ...
The Leadership - Investigating Leadership Styles
- Secondary
- Year 9 - 10
- English
- Social
- Equality
- Leadership
- Social Action
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