Back to Earth - Green Waste Survey

Back to Earth - Green Waste Survey

Lesson 12 of 13 in this unit

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Environmental
  • Recycling
  • Social
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students design and conduct a survey of other students, staff and parents at their school to see how well and/or frequently green waste bins are used at home, and what the barriers are to using them more often. Data acquired through the survey can be used in the Considering Social Action activity – Green Waste Messages.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand the environmental problems associated with sending green waste to landfill
  • recognise the benefits recycling green waste and composting.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions:

Geography Year 5:

  • Locate and collect relevant information and data from primary and secondary sources (ACHASSI095).
  • Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms and conventions (ACHASSI105).
  • Reflect on learning to propose personal and/or collective action in response to an issue or challenge, and predict the probable effects (ACHASSI104).

Geography Year 6:

  • Locate and collect relevant information and data from primary and secondary sources (ACHASSI123).
  • Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms and conventions (ACHASSI133).
  • Reflect on learning to propose personal and/or collective action in response to an issue or challenge, and predict the probable effects (ACHASSI132).

Design and Technologies Year 5 & 6:

  • Investigate how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019).
  • Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (ACTDEP024).

Syllabus Outcomes: GE3-4, ST3-14BE, ST3-15I, ST3-16P, ST3-5WT. 

General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking.

Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability – OI.8.

Time required: 3 x 60 mins

Level of teacher scaffolding: High – oversee design and conducting of survey, assist with analysing and presenting survey data

Resources required

Additional info

Following these lessons plans is an ideal way for your students and the community to tune in to what happens to green waste once it is collected in a kerbside bin. The Back to Earth initiative is about connecting people with what happens to green waste once it leaves the garden, how it is processed, what it is used for at the end of this cycle and why its important to put the right things into the bin! 
Join thousands of others who have learnt about the benefits of using their green waste service correctly, for their communities and for the planet. Don’t forget to check out the Back to Earth initiative website: – to learn more.

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Back to Earth - What happens to green bin waste?

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • English
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • History
  • Environmental
  • Recycling
  • Social
  • Social Action
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