Blue - The Role of the Ocean in the Water Cycle

Blue - The Role of the Ocean in the Water Cycle

Lesson 4 of 7 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Conservation
  • Oceans
  • Water
  • ...

Lesson summary

This lesson incorporates clips from Blue The Film as learning inspiration. Students explore the water cycle and in particular, the role of the ocean in the water cycle. They begin by exploring what the water cycle is and then work in groups to conduct experiments that explain how the water cycle – or parts of the water cycle – work. Groups will then share their experiments with the class. Finally, students will watch a clip about the importance of the ocean and will work in groups to prepare a piece (e.g. poster, video, podcast or infographic) in response to the idea that ‘the oceans are the lungs of our planet’.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand what the water cycle is and how oceans are part of the water cycle
  • understand the importance of the ocean in human and environmental health
  • understand how to conduct and demonstrate an experiment.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • conduct an experiment
  • explain what the water cycle is and how it works
  • explain the role of the oceans in the water cycle and in human and environmental health.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions:

Year 7 Science:

  • Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, including water that cycles through the environment, but others are non-renewable (ACSSU116)
  • Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed (ACSIS125)
  • Measure and control variables, select equipment appropriate to the task and collect data with accuracy (ACSIS126)
  • Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence (ACSIS130)

Syllabus outcomes: SC4-12ES, SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS, SC4-7WS

General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking

Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability OI.1

Relevant parts of Year 7 Science achievement standards: Students analyse how the sustainable use of resources depends on the way they are formed and cycled through Earth systems.

Unit of work: Blue The Film – Science – Year 7 & 8

Time required: 110 mins +

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – lead students in discussions and oversee experiment.

Resources Required


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving

Additional info

Blue is a feature documentary film charting the drastic decline in the health of our oceans. With more than half of all marine life lost and the expansion of the industrialization of the seas, the film sets out the challenges we are facing and the opportunities for positive change. Blue changes the way we think about our liquid world and inspires the audience to action. Find out how to screen or download the film here. Along with the film is an ambitious global campaign to create advocacy and behaviour change through the #oceanguardian movement. To become an ocean guardian, see the website.

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