Clean Up Australia - New From Old

Clean Up Australia - New From Old

Lesson 10 of 16 in this unit

  • Primary
  • Year 5 - 6
  • Science
  • Environmental
  • Recycling
  • Sustainability
  • Social
  • Outdoor Learning
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students will collect and inspect the amount of litter found on the school grounds after lunchtime. They will analyse this waste and think of ways these resources can be reused.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand the role and impacts of food packaging
  • begin to take responsibility for unwanted food packaging
  • will rethink the concept of waste and brainstorm ways to 'close the loop'.

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • know the impacts of food packaging on our environment and suggest ideas for closing the loop
  • work safely with waste.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian curriculum content description:

Year 5 Science:

  • Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena (ACSHE081)
  • Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE217)
  • Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks (ACSIS088)

Year 6 Science:

  • Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena (ACSHE098)
  • Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE220)
  • Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks (ACSIS105)

Syllabus outcomesST3-6PW, ST3-4WS

Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability OI.3, OI.8.

Time required: 60 mins.

Resources required

  • Device with internet access
  • Gloves and tongs for collecting waste
  • Printed Student Worksheets (or create your own)


This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:

  • collaboration
  • critical thinking
  • problem solving

Additional Info

Following this lesson plan is an ideal way for your school to take part in Schools Clean Up Day or a Clean Up on any day of the year. You’ll be joining thousands of amazing teachers in making a difference and creating positive environmental change.

lesson saved in resources




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