Lesson summary
Students will create a presentation in which they consider concepts of personal responsibility and active citizenship as they relate to the litterbug. They will investigate the environmental and social impacts of littering.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- understand the social implications of littering
- begin to take responsibility for unwanted food packaging
- will rethink the concept of why people litter.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- explain how and why people litter
- explain how littering can impact our environment.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Lesson details
Curriculum mapping
Australian Curriculum content descriptions:
Year 4 English:
- Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (ACELT1794)
- Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations incorporating learned content and taking into account the particular purposes and audiences (ACELY1689)
- Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining (ACELT1607)
Year 5 English:
- Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced (ACELT1612)
- Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences and present and justify a point of view (ACELY1699)
- Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements (ACELY1700)
- Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts (ACELA1512)
Year 6 English:
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1714)
Syllabus outcomes: EN2-10C, EN2-2A, EN2-6B, EN3-1A, EN3-2A, EN3-6B, EN3-7C.
General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking.
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability OI.3, OI.8.
Time required: 60+ mins.
Resources Required
- Various props as required
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- communication
- critical thinking
Additional info
Following this lesson plan is an ideal way for your school to take part in Schools Clean Up Day or a Clean Up on any day of the year. You’ll be joining thousands of amazing teachers in making a difference and creating positive environmental change.
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