Lesson summary
Students will continue exploring essential parts of the scientific method, learning how to evaluate the data they have collected in order to assess the impact of their social change experiment, by analysing AIME’s Making of a Hoodie (MOAH) Podcast and levers for shifting behaviour change for a more equitable world.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- analyse data from a social change experiment to describe patterns and trends in order to reach a conclusion based on evidence and prior research.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- describe patterns and trends present in data
- develop conclusions for their social change experiment based on a thorough evaluation of data
- construct evidence-based arguments to support viewpoints and conclusions using data and research.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
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Lesson details
21st Century Skills
- Communication
- Initiative
- Global citizenship
- Problem-solving
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum (v9.0) content description:
Year 7 & 8 Science:
- Analyse data and information to describe patterns, trends and relationships and identify anomalies (AC9S7I05, AC9S8I05)
- Analyse methods, conclusions and claims for assumptions, possible sources of error, conflicting evidence and unanswered questions (AC9S7I06, AC9S8I06)
- Construct evidence-based arguments to support conclusions or evaluate claims and consider any ethical issues and cultural protocols associated with using or citing secondary data or information (AC9S7I07, AC9S8I07)
Year 9 & 10 Science:
- Analyse and connect a variety of data and information to identify and explain patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies (AC9S9I05, AC9S10I05)
- Assess the validity and reproducibility of methods and evaluate the validity of conclusions and claims, including by identifying assumptions, conflicting evidence and areas of uncertainty (AC9S9I06, AC9S10I06)
- Construct arguments based on analysis of a variety of evidence to support conclusions or evaluate claims, and consider any ethical issues and cultural protocols associated with accessing, using or citing secondary data or information (AC9S9I07, AC9S10I07)
General capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy
Syllabus outcomes: SC4-7WS, SC5-7WS, SC4-8WS, SC5-8WS
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability
Relevant parts of achievement standards:
Year 7 & 8 Science:
Students can select and construct appropriate representations to organise and process data and information. They analyse data and information to describe patterns, trends and relationships and identify anomalies. They identify assumptions and sources of error in methods and analyse conclusions and claims with reference to conflicting evidence and unanswered questions. They construct evidence-based arguments to support conclusions and evaluate claims.
Year 9 & 10 Science:
Students select and construct effective representations to organise, process and summarise data and information. They analyse and connect a variety of data and information to identify and explain patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies. They evaluate the validity and reproducibility of methods and the validity of conclusions and claims. They construct logical arguments based on the analysis of a variety of evidence to support conclusions and evaluate claims.
UN Sustainable Goals
Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Resources Required
- Device capable of presenting video and audio to the class
- Student access to a computer, laptop, or tablet
- Student Worksheet - one copy per student
Additional Info
In the Making of a Hoodie Podcast, the host, Jack Manning Bancroft, gathers with groups of unlikely connections to dive deep on challenges, topics and issues, explore guest stories and design a hoodie together to collectively represent them.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium - some explicit teaching required, mostly facilitating conversations and supervising thinking in pairs and groups
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