Lesson summary
This lesson familiarises students with the physiological function of the heart when it experiences a cardiac event, commonly known as a heart attack. Students will then undertake an investigation of the DRSABCD method for responding to medical emergencies, before undertaking a simulation to prepare them as much as possible for such a difficult situation.
Learning intentions:
Students will..
- the mechanics of a cardiac arrest and the functional impact on the heart
- how to approach an emergency scenario using the steps of DRSABCD, and the justifications behind this approach.
Success criteria:
Students can...
- analyse cardiac rhythms to determine the function of a heartbeat
- use critical and creative thinking to apply this knowledge to evaluate an abnormal rhythm leading to an emergency cardiac event
- explain the steps taken and information to be provided during a Triple Zero emergency call
- explain the steps taken to assess and provide assistance during an emergency medical situation
- demonstrate the process for dealing with an emergency medical situation using the DRSABCD method.
Lesson guides and printables
Lesson details
This lesson is designed to build students’ competencies in the following skills:
- collaboration
- communication
- community engagement
- critical thinking
- empathy
- initiative
- problem solving
- social skills
Curriculum Mapping
Australian Curriculum content descriptions:
Years 5 & 6 Health and Physical Education:
- Investigate community resources and ways to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS053)
- Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054)
Syllabus outcomes: DMS3.2, PSS3.5, PHS3.12, SLS3.13
General capabilities: Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability
Relevant parts of Year 5 & 6 Health and Physical Education achievement standards:
Students describe their own and others’ contributions to health, physical activity, safety and wellbeing. They access and interpret health information and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate whole class discussion and guide DRSABCD simulation. Support students to work independently.
Resources Required
- Art supplies – coloured pencils and markers
- Device with internet/research capability – one per student
- Device capable of presenting a video to the class
- First Aid Action Hero App – downloaded and installed prior to the lesson on all student devices
- Handling Sensitive Topics and Issues – digital copy
- Poster paper (optional)
- Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack – digital copy
Additional Info
Time required: 55 mins.
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate whole class discussion and guide DRSABCD simulation. Support students to work independently.
The Heart Foundation’s ready-made skipping program, Jump Rope for Heart, helps primary school students move more and have fun, while they raise funds for heart research, patient support and programs that help save lives.
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