Lesson summary
Students develop critical thinking skills by viewing a range of images and videos from marine waste campaigns. They will look at what methods these campaigns use to engage audiences and how successful they are. Working collaboratively students are then asked to create their own marine waste campaign video and image which they will present to the class.
Learning intentions:
Students will...
- critically think about strategies used in environmental campaigns
- recognise tools for communicating meaning and message in campaigns
- understand some of the causes and effects of marine waste on marine environments.
Lesson guides and printables
Curriculum links
Select your curriculum from the options below.
Lesson details
Curriculum Mapping
Australian curriculum content descriptions:
Year 7 Science:
- Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions (ACSSU112)
- Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to a range of contemporary issues; these solutions may impact on other areas of society and involve ethical considerations (ACSHE120)
Year 7 Media Arts:
- Develop and refine media production skills to shape the technical and symbolic elements of images, sounds and text for a specific purpose and meaning (ACAMAM068)
- Plan, structure and design media artworks that engage audiences (ACAMAM069)
- Analyse how technical and symbolic elements are used in media artworks to create representations influenced by story, genre, values and points of view of particular audiences (ACAMAR071)
Year 8 Media Arts:
- Develop and refine media production skills to shape the technical and symbolic elements of images, sounds and text for a specific purpose and meaning (ACAMAM068)
- Plan, structure and design media artworks that engage audiences (ACAMAM069)
- Analyse how technical and symbolic elements are used in media artworks to create representations influenced by story, genre, values and points of view of particular audiences (ACAMAR071)
General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking, Ethical understanding
Syllabus Outcomes: SC4-11PW, SC4-15LW.
Time required: 2 x 60 mins.
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – oversee activity and facilitate discussion.
Resources Required
- Student Worksheets
- Internet access
- Desktop film making and editing programs
Additional Info
Following this lesson plan is an ideal way for your school to introduce Zoos Victoria’s Seal the Loop program. You’ll be joining other amazing teachers in making a difference and creating positive environmental change. Go to Zoo Education Online to find further support for you to help you develop your own Seal the Loop program.
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