Weather Makers - Visions of the Future

Weather Makers - Visions of the Future

Lesson 15 of 15 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • English
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Climate Change
  • ...

Lesson summary

Students are asked to create two different visions of the future under two different conditions. In the first case, students are asked to create a picture of the future based on scientific predictions of rising temperatures and a changing climate. In the second case (the bulk of this activity) students are asked to work in groups to create a shared vision of the future, a future that they would like to see. Students create this vision using the ‘thinking hats’ learning tool, brainstorming initial ideas and then using these ideas to build a picture of the future that they then share through either a presentation or infographic.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand that science can be used to make predictions about our future
  • recognise that they have the skills and knowledge to create their own vision for the future
  • understand that different people have different ideas about what the future should look like but that these differences can be used to give strength to the vision and its meaning.

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian Curriculum content descriptions: 

Year 7 Science:

  • Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to a range of contemporary issues; these solutions may impact on other areas of society and involve ethical considerations (ACSHE120)

Year 7 Geography:

  • The causes, impacts and responses to an atmospheric or hydrological hazard (ACHGK042)
  • The influence of environmental quality on the liveability of places (ACHGK045)
  • The strategies used to enhance the liveability of places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe (ACHGK047)

Year 8 Geography:

  • The causes, impacts and responses to a geomorphological hazard (ACHGK053)
  • The management and planning of Australia’s urban future (ACHGK059)

Year 8 English:

  • Use interaction skills for identified purposes, using voice and language conventions to suit different situations, selecting vocabulary, modulating voice and using elements such as music, images and sound for specific effects (ACELY1808)
  • Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content, including multimodal elements, to reflect a diversity of viewpoints (ACELY1731)
  • Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that raise issues, report events and advance opinions, using deliberate language and textual choices, and including digital elements as appropriate (ACELY1736)

Syllabus OutcomesEN5-1A, EN5-2A, EN5-3BGE5-2, GE5-3, GE5-4, GE5-5, GE5-8SC5-12ES, SC5-13ES, SC5-9WS

Time required: 60 mins.

Level of teacher scaffolding: Low – oversee activity.

Resources required

  • Internet access
  • students worksheet

Additional info

Cool Australia would like to acknowledge:

  • Tim Flannery
  • David Harding, Rose Iser, Sally Stevens
  • Text Publishing and Purves Environmental Fund
  • Climate Council
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