Creating a School Biodiversity Trail with ClimateWatch

Creating a School Biodiversity Trail with ClimateWatch

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change
  • ...

This unit introduces students to ClimateWatch, a citizen science initiative that collects phenological data to shape scientific responses to climate change. The unit involves students in creating a school biodiversity trail inspired by ClimateWatch Trails, which can be used by students to participate in biodiversity surveys. Through this project, students learn about climate change, phenology, and citizen science, and develop a plan to engage the community in the trail. They also identify plants and animals along the trail, create field guides, and prepare materials to support future data analysis.

Find out

Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
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Citizen Science - Exploring Real Projects

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change
  • Lesson
  • ...

Citizen Science - Planning to Collect Data

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change
  • Lesson
  • ...

Citizen Science - In the Field

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change
  • Lesson
  • ...

Citizen Science - Gathering Data

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change

Take action

Contextualising knowledge and inspiring students through real-world examples. These lessons feature stories of inspirational people and organisations making a difference to help bring the learning to life.

  • Lesson
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Citizen Science - Communicating to others

  • Secondary
  • Year 7 - 8
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Environmental
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen Science
  • Climate Change
Unit saved in resources

