DonateLife - Exploring Organ And Tissue Donation

DonateLife - Exploring Organ And Tissue Donation

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • The Arts
  • Music
  • Technology
  • Work Studies
  • Social
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • ...

This lesson series focuses on organ and tissue donation, its importance and how students can promote it within their communities. Students will investigate different case studies, perspectives, and promotions to understand the issue better and create their own posters, music videos, and campaigns to inspire social change. The lesson also emphasizes the need for consent models and ethical considerations.

Tune in

Thought-provoking lessons featuring questions and activities designed to stimulate students' interest.

  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Motivation To Give

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action

Find out

Explicit instruction on the topic, increasing in complexity and breadth of knowledge.

  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Understanding Your Audience

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - The Future Of Transplantation

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Science
  • Work Studies
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - The Gift Of Time

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Creative writing
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Having The Conversation

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Debating Consent Systems

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Social
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Writing For Life (home learning)

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Creative writing
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action

Take action

Contextualising knowledge and inspiring students through real-world examples. These lessons feature stories of inspirational people and organisations making a difference to help bring the learning to life.

  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Registering Your Audience

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
  • Lesson
  • ...

DonateLife - Music To Inspire Action

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Health
  • The Arts
  • Music
  • Social
  • Disability
  • Equality
  • Physical Health
  • Social Action
Unit saved in resources

