These resources are part of the Digital Licence+ Education Resources, created in collaboration with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.
This HPE and Digital Technologies unit for Years 5 & 6, Getting Your Digital Licence, has been designed to
- build students’ digital literacy and citizenship skills through engaging with the eSmart Digital Licence+ program
- explore essential online terminology to identify and manage potentially harmful or risky digital situations
- develop practical strategies for staying safe online, empowering students to confidently navigate and respond to online risks
- apply online safety knowledge to real-world scenarios, helping students support their peers and community in becoming digitally aware
- strengthen students’ understanding of digital citizenship by exploring the responsibilities associated with an active online presence
- collaborate with local community groups to evaluate and enhance their online safety and digital presence.
Students will explore and navigate potential online risks, learn practical strategies to manage and mitigate harmful digital behaviours and take action by supporting their community to become more confident, safe and informed digital users.
Scroll down to explore each lesson or click the download button on the right-hand side of this unit to download the entire unit at once. ✨
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